" Worry comes from the belief you are powerless." -Robert Anthony

Saturday, August 17, 2024

 " You can feel bad if it makes you feel good."

© dkb

Tuesday, January 10, 2023


 "Being normal is just doing what is expected of you by others."

                                         - dkb

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Life Lessons....

I once told a lie to a mutual friend 
of my boyfriend 
who stole from and beat me,
that I inherited a great deal of money;
knowing he would
find me and apologize
to get me back.

I wanted revenge.
When he came to apologize
I gracefully accepted his apology
but insisted I would not give him another chance
to hurt me again...

At the time I thought myself wise
but now I realize
I was equally deceptive
not only to him
but to his friend....
who did nothing to me.

If truth and love is my goal
than I must admit
my wrong doing;
there were 'red flags'
when I first met him...
but because I thought him
handsome and exciting
I betrayed my intuition.

Ignoring my 'inner knowing'
usually sends me down the wrong path.
In order to learn the lesson,
I must listen to myself,
 trust myself
and to always, always
honor myself.

© dkb

Saturday, July 14, 2018

My Calling, My Beliefs....

I am not old… she said
I am rare.
I am the standing ovation
At the end of the play.
I am the retrospective
Of my life as art
I am the hours
Connected like dots
Into good sense
I am the fullness
Of existing.
You think I am waiting to die…
But I am waiting to be found
I am a treasure.
I am a map.
And these wrinkles are
Imprints of my journey
Ask me
Author: Samantha Reynolds

I found the poem above yesterday
and it spoke to me:
I too sense the eternal flame of my soul...
it is ageless.
The more I stay true
the younger and more vibrant I feel.

I am spiritual.
I am a mystical seeker.
I don't call it "religion"
because for me, God is love
so Love is my spiritual quest.
My church is Mother Nature...
which always touches my soul.
My heart is happy with family and friends.

I aspire to be non judgmental and full of peace.
I've learned I don't have to be nextdoor
to be close to someone I care about..
I realize it is not about fame and fortune
it is about spreading love, listening, and lifting up others
It is not about the possessions I have
in fact, often, it gets in the way of my path...
It is not about what I look like,
the color of my skin
(although, sadly, for some, it is..)
it is more important to me
to have the energy and motivation
to stay on my true path.

My soul seeks out my unique purpose and odyssey..
Some days are challenging
but it only makes those good days so much sweeter...

I strive to stay open
so I can learn, grow and know.

 I am very Blessed;
 my power is keeping that prominent
and aware within me daily.
I cannot allow to take it for granted
because the backslide is much too regressive.

I wish everyone felt inclusive and loved.

I wish we all felt as one
like we did when those boys
were trapped in that Thai cave...
I felt so hopeful
because I could feel the Universal Love
and prayer for their safety...
Could you?
It felt like they were our family...
because they really are.

© dkb

Monday, April 23, 2018


If I like most vegetables
and you prefer corn and peas
that doesn't mean 
I have to give up other vegetables.

If I like to read
and you prefer the television
agreeably it is a challenge
but not impossible.

If I am angry and fearful
and you are calm and loving
we may have clashes
but we also have a counter-balance.

If you are Republican
and I am a Democrat
it only means 
we have different political views.

If I am black skinned
and your skin color is another
our hearts still beat the same
but our life experiences may be different.

How I was raised
and what I was exposed to
programs and shapes how I feel,
determining if I see "us" or "them"...
but I always have the option
to change..

Being human
 feels more secure
 to seek the familiar or the "better";
differences, too often feel
more like rejection or threatening.
In such times,
 I must seek the Spirit within me
and remember Love..

It boils down to love and fear
I am either one or the other.
Since I strive for more love...I feel more responsibility
to help those with fear...
and hopefully, those with more love
help me when I am fearful.

Those who prefer to keep
rather than share
may have never experienced
needing a helping hand...

A stranger is no longer one
after we meet and get to learn
about one another...
I think it's interesting to find common ground
unless judgment and prejudice is preferred..
then it usually ends up divisive...

I don't have to be your "best friend"
but can't we see the honor to agree to disagree?
I feel, respect for our differences
is the beginning of a solution.

If there is 360 degrees within a circle
and the circle is a symbol of wholeness
then let us start with the concept
there are at least 360 ways to look at any problem.

I wish we all knew
our souls are eternal...
We've been here before
but we didn't get it right then either....

Maybe this time
today, this moment, 
we can strive to make a difference
for the better...

My Soul wants to belong
My Spirits wants to expand.
My Human-ness wants to be right...
but I have learned its best to stay open...
Combine it all
 and hopefully,
 it becomes potential,
for a universal answer.

© dkb

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Hurried Woman....

The past two months
there has been road work 
in the middle of the road
traveling down the hill
from where we live.
The entire community 
knows about it...

So this morning
while driving to class
a young woman in a big, grey, Ford truck
sped up to cut me off 
to get one vehicle ahead
of me...

It was like she thought
she was invisible
and no one could see
her disregard
and rudeness.

I had left early
because I don't like to rush,
so I observed her
but did not allow her actions
to disturb my drive...

I watched her brake lights
go on and off
as she weaved herself
in and out of cars
all the way down the hill...

I'm choosing to believe
she had an emergency
and praying she got there safe.
I bless you hurried woman
and wish you well....

© dkb

Friday, August 11, 2017

Fight or Flight...

Living in a constant state
of "fight or flight" drains me
of all energy to create
and to appreciate this moment.
© dkb