" Worry comes from the belief you are powerless." -Robert Anthony

Friday, April 22, 2016

Boundaries and Self Reliance

Healthy and solid relationships
each stand alone but are united;
not leaning upon the other.
Lop-sided responsibility
becomes habit
and one morning, you awake
and there is a subtle uncertainty
doubting your abilities
because you have become
so out of practice...
Keeping boundaries and self reliance
is as important as hygiene, exercise,
eating right and brushing your teeth.

© dkb

Monday, March 28, 2016

No more labels...

Step away from that label,
No need to limit yourself, or
pay any attention to
someone else's opinion
or judgment...
Why define?
Who says we have to?
I am me
You are you,
yet, we are the same
Is it not the bigger picture
to love?
Love doesn't need an explanation...
It just feels good.

© dkb

Monday, March 7, 2016


I feel your energy,
do you feel mine?
Invisible electrical waves
ebb and flow
or crash in a negative explosion...
Good vibes, bad vibes;
we feel it first.
I want to stay tuned in.
I want to ebb and flow.
I want positive, sympathetic,
uplifting energy.
I want to grow.
I want to know.
I want to regenerate
and energize by simply placing
my hand upon my heart...

© dkb

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Consciousness expands....

As I wade into
the 3rd act of my life,
the more I realize
how healthy it is
to go within.
Meditation has become
a way to check my life
for leaks.
Being mindful
of what drains my energy
and what lifts me up.
What makes others happy
or some one's unsolicited advice
may not work for me.
The old axiom,
'be your own best friend'
is so true...
If I don't take the time
within myself,
it is too easy
to become distracted.
I am my first
line of defense
knowing myself the best.
When I am peaceful
within my mind and body,
silence is not threatening.
I welcome the insights,
in being true to myself,
which flow gently into my life
like waves upon the shore.
Consciousness expands...

© dkb

Saturday, January 30, 2016

I am...

I don't lose my power
or my Spirit
or my Soul
just because
someone does not
see or appreciate me.

© dkb

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Maybe Zen-like is better...

Self permission given today
allowing my home cleaned
by someone else.
Awkward as it was,
staying out of the way
in my own house;
it felt good
saving my energy.
Delegating is healthy;
Honoring my self promises
for more creativity.
Opening opportunities
to learn...
and see that 'less is more'
especially when one pays
to have someone pick it up
and dust it....
Maybe Zen-like is better.

© dkb

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Singing to the Universe....

I sing out
to the Universe
my Creativity is coming
no limits
going forward
I sing out peace to all
I sing out truth
I sing out service and good will
I sing with determination
wanting to be all I can be
courage is mine
I follow my intuition
grateful for my gifts
from the Master Artist

© dkb

Acrylic on stretched canvas....STAR GAZER....3' X 4' © dkb