The past two months
there has been road work
in the middle of the road
traveling down the hill
from where we live.
The entire community
knows about it...
So this morning
while driving to class
a young woman in a big, grey, Ford truck
sped up to cut me off
to get one vehicle ahead
of me...
It was like she thought
she was invisible
and no one could see
her disregard
and rudeness.
I had left early
because I don't like to rush,
so I observed her
but did not allow her actions
to disturb my drive...
I watched her brake lights
go on and off
as she weaved herself
in and out of cars
all the way down the hill...
I'm choosing to believe
she had an emergency
and praying she got there safe.
I bless you hurried woman
and wish you well....
© dkb