I once told a lie to a mutual friend
of my boyfriend
who stole from and beat me,
that I inherited a great deal of money;
knowing he would
find me and apologize
to get me back.
I wanted revenge.
When he came to apologize
I gracefully accepted his apology
but insisted I would not give him another chance
to hurt me again...
At the time I thought myself wise
but now I realize
I was equally deceptive
not only to him
but to his friend....
who did nothing to me.
If truth and love is my goal
than I must admit
my wrong doing;
there were 'red flags'
when I first met him...
but because I thought him
handsome and exciting
I betrayed my intuition.
Ignoring my 'inner knowing'
usually sends me down the wrong path.
In order to learn the lesson,
I must listen to myself,
trust myself
and to always, always
honor myself.
© dkb